MineralTech BLACKMAX IRON®️ granules are produced during the flash smelting process of refining mineral ore concentrates. The molten material is quenched in water creating fine amorphous granules that are high in iron, alumina, and silicates. The result is a hard vitrified (glassy) mineral slag that is angular in shape, has a density of 132 lbs. per cubic foot, and is 7.0 – 7.5 on the MOHS hardness scale.

MineralTech BLACKMAX IRON®️ granules possesses super physical and value added chemical properties that are advantageous for applications as an abrasive blasting media, roofing granules, filtration media, non-skid coating aggregate, and as feedstock in the cement manufacturing process to replace iron ore since this product is primarily an iron silicate.

This product is available in pneumatic bulk tankers, 4000 lb. bulk bags, and 50 lb. & 100 lb. paper sacks.

Call 281-462-4220 to order BLACKMAX IRON®️

MineralTech BLACKMAX IRON®️ Application Chart

MineralTech BLACKMAX IRON®️ granules deliver and ultra-low dusting abrasive blast when employed, with high production rates, and is less than 1% free silica.

MineralTech BLACKMAX IRON®️ Technical Data

Origin: Granules are produced as a co-product during the flash smelter process of refining mineral ore concentrates. The molten material is quenched/granulated in water creating fine amorphous granules that is high in iron, alumina, and silicates.

Mineralogy: Uniformed composition, about 80% vitrified glassily solidified. Remainder is mineral phases of olivine, magnetite, and subordinate sulphide ore phases.

Chemical Mechanism: Approximately 90% by weight Fe2O3 + SiO2. Approximately 5% - 7% Al2O3, MgO+CaO+Na2O+K2O. Remainder is traces of other, mainly oxide and sulphide bound elements.

Special Properties: High apparent density. High hardness (7.0 - 7.5 Mohs Hardness). Very good weathering and virtually non-leachable. Favorable angular shape. Less than 1% free silica content.

Quality Control: Quality control is an integral part of the production process. The chemical and gradation parameters are continuously monitored by authorized analytical laboratories.

Product Applications: Granules possess superior physical and value added properties that is advantageous for applications as abrasive & roofing granules, filtration media, non-skid aggregates, and as Fe2O3 raw material enhancements for the cement manufacturing and glass industries.


Highlands, TX


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